API Documentation

Gigs is the easiest way to offer wireless subscriptions for smartphones and wearables. Our API allows you to manage mobile plans for your customers with ease.

Getting started

To get started, create a new application in your developer settings, then read about how to make requests for the resources you need to access using our HTTP APIs.



Learn how to authenticate your API requests.

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Understand how to work with paginated responses.

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Error Codes

Read about the different types of errors returned by the API.

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Learn more about how to work with Addons, which are additional services that can be added to a subscription.


Learn more about Plans, which determine the provider, subscription allowances and price for a given subscription.


Learn more about how to create and manage Devices.


Learn more about how to list, search for and retrieve SIM cards within a given project.


Learn more about how to manage requests to port-in a phone number from another provider.


Learn more about how to manage Projects, an abstraction to organize your resources.

Subscription Add-ons

Learn more about how to manage Addons on a given subscription.


Learn more about how to list, create and end subscriptions in order to manage connectivity on a provider network.

Subscription Changes

Learn more about how to manage planned changes to an existing subscription.


Learn more about how to fetch usage data for a given subscription.

User Addresses

Learn more about how to create and manage user addresses.


Learn more about how to create, manage and search for users within a project.